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Technologies like AI, VR/AR, Cryptocurrency, IoT will take center stage in 2020 and also form as the backbone of tomorrow’s . Beyond the sales and revenue focused world of ecommerce, 2020 ecommerce tech trends will provide the capability to create new software solutions, mobile apps, and services that will lead to creating a richer and more satisfying shopping experience.

人工智能,虚拟现实/增强现实,加密货币,物联网等技术将在2020年成为焦点,并成为未来的Struts。 除了以销售和收入为重点的电子商务世界之外,2020年的电子商务技术趋势还将提供创建新软件解决方案,移动应用程序和服务的能力,从而带来更丰富,更令人满意的购物体验。

为了帮助公司增强其客户的数字体验管理,在这里,我将讨论2020年电子商务技术趋势。 (To help companies enhance their digital experience management for their customers, here I’m going to discuss ecommerce tech trends 2020.)

Let’s start reading:


人工智能如何在2020年影响电子商务行业? (How AI Impacts the Ecommerce Industry in 2020?)

A survey report by Divante (the Ecommerce Software House) and Kantar (Data, Insight & Consulting Company) revealed that 37% of ecommerce developers believe that Artificial Intelligence is the technology that will be the trendiest of all in 2020.


Artificial Intelligence is already helping ecommerce businesses with chatbots, virtual assistants, recommendation engines, and warehouse automation. To predict future AI trends of ecommerce industry leaders are working hard and experimenting with present-day technologies.

人工智能已经通过聊天机器人,虚拟助手,推荐引擎和仓库自动化帮助电子商务企业。 为了预测电子商务行业未来的AI趋势,行业领导者正在努力并尝试使用当今的技术。

Progressive brands are looking to reinvent in their ecommerce operations through digital experience management platforms like PIMCore (Product Information Management system), which is a that provides a single place to manage your product information, create a product catalog, and distribute it across sales channels. It is also going to be one of the biggest trends of 2020 that offer a list of features for creating differentiated experiences:

渐进品牌希望通过数字体验管理平台(例如PIMCore(产品信息管理系统), 来重塑其电子商务运营),该平台提供了一个用于管理产品信息,创建产品目录和跨销售渠道进行分配。 它还将成为2020年的最大趋势之一,其中提供了创建差异化体验的功能列表:

  • PIM supports data migration when re-platforming or expanding your business from B2B to B2C.

  • Offer customization to adapt the structuring of your website catalog.

  • PIM software localize your content by translating in several languages.

  • Allow run your PIM in your own data center or via the Cloud technology.

  • Maintain your web application on Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Sotware-as-a-Service (SaaS) for easiest deployment option.

  • Integrate easily with you current tech stack, your ERP system data, mobile apps, POS systems and other systems.


Interested in learning more about PIM solution? Click to know more.

有兴趣了解有关PIM解决方案的更多信息吗? 点击了解更多。

AI机器人,聊天机器人,店内工具和无人机 (AI Robots, Chatbots, In-Store Tools & Drones)

Notably, AI chatbots are a great way to enhance the admin and customer service interface of your store. For instance, Nike's conversational AI ecommerce chatbot allow users to mix and match shoe designs, create their own styles, and share with their friends all through a single chatbot. Ebay developed ShopBot, a shopping assistant that helps consumers to search and find the product they desire the time they want.

值得注意的是,人工智能聊天机器人是增强商店的管理和客户服务界面的好方法。 例如,耐克的对话式AI电子商务聊天机器人允许用户混合和匹配鞋子的设计,创建自己的样式并通过单个聊天机器人与朋友共享。 Ebay开发了ShopBot,它是一种购物助手,可以帮助消费者在所需的时间搜索和找到他们想要的产品。

What these two are AI chatbot examples demonstrates is that the technology will lead to more engagement, and more customers lead to more sales. In 2020, you will observe a massive growth in the global artificial intelligence solutions for retailers.

这两个AI聊天机器人的例子表明,该技术将带来更多的参与度,更多的客户带来更多的销售额。 在2020年,您将看到面向零售商的全球人工智能解决方案有了巨大的增长。

For example, the AI-enabled 6 River Systems provides the best way to manage warehousing using robots for labor management, minimize walking, and reducing the risk of errors, and congestion. The warehousing and management tool built on AI tech, Google Cloud IoT solutions, Cloud IoT Core, Google Kubernetes Engine, and BigQuery on Google Cloud Platform.
例如,具有AI功能的6 River Systems提供了使用机器人进行人工管理,最小化步行,降低错误和拥塞风险的最佳方式来管理仓库。 基于AI技术,Google Cloud IoT解决方案,Cloud IoT Core,Google Kubernetes Engine和Google Cloud Platform上的BigQuery构建的仓储和管理工具。
The Cloud IoT Core is a fully managed service for connecting, managing, and ingesting data from globally dispersed devices. The 6 River Systems uses vision machine learning to understand the warehouse environment that also help navigating around obstacles and making route optimizations.
Cloud IoT Core是一项完全托管的服务,用于连接,管理和从全球分散的设备中提取数据。 6 River Systems使用视觉机器学习来了解仓库环境,这也有助于绕过障碍物并优化路线。
AI-powered omnichannel personalization tool like Vue.ai understands every user’s shopping preferences, and tailors their journeys right from the home page of your ecommerce website to a particular web page. The tool help you digitally map and extract catalog data, and help you marketing product and get actionable insights to drive conversion rates. Using the capabilities of image recognition and data science, the Vue.ai tool create best of a kind retail experience for shoppers and also translate product information into different languages.
诸如Vue.ai之类的基于AI的全渠道个性化工具可以理解每个用户的购物偏好,并从电子商务网站的首页到特定的网页来定制他们的旅程。 该工具可帮助您以数字方式映射和提取目录数据,并帮助您营销产品并获得可行的见解以提高转化率。 利用图像识别和数据科学的功能,Vue.ai工具可为购物者创造最佳的零售体验,并将产品信息翻译成不同的语言。

AI drones are at the forefront of the ecommerce tech revolution. May tech savvy retailers have realized the advantage of drones and started to see how drones can be extremely important in bringing about innovation and enhancing customer experience. The best thing about the drone system is the ML recognition ability that recognize products “in place” as it moves along. Also, an important part of the recognition is the “AI system” that learns how the shelf is organized by looking at how it changes over time.

人工智能无人机处于电子商务技术革命的最前沿。 愿精通技术的零售商已经意识到无人机的优势,并开始看到无人机在带来创新和增强客户体验方面的重要性。 关于无人机系统,最好的是ML识别功能,该功能可以识别产品在移动过程中“就位”。 此外,识别的重要组成部分是“ AI系统”,它通过查看货架随着时间的变化来了解货架的组织方式。

On June 5, 2019, CBS News published a report on Amazon’s new electric delivery drone that states, drone is designed to ferry light packages to customers homes in less time. Amazon’s tech team also shared that the drone uses AI and ML recognition to fly and avoid obstacles. No doubt, aerial drones are the best solution for big, bulky, and expensive robots that cannot avoid obstacles. From the air, drones can see almost anywhere from different angles to different aisles and situations in the store.

2019年6月5日,CBS新闻发布了有关亚马逊新型电动交付无人机的报告,该无人机称,该无人机旨在在更短的时间内将轻型包裹运送到客户家中。 亚马逊的技术团队还分享说,无人机使用AI和ML识别技术来飞行并避免障碍。 毫无疑问,对于无法避免障碍物的大型,笨重且昂贵的机器人,空中无人机是最佳解决方案。 从空中,无人机几乎可以看到商店中从不同角度到不同过道和情况的任何地方。

With that you can say AI and ML recognition are set to deploy in the retail stores. And this is how artificial intelligence is shaping the ecommerce tech landscape.

这样一来,您可以说AI和ML识别已设置为在零售商店中部署。 这就是人工智能如何塑造电子商务技术的格局。

VR / AR 2020年电子商务技术趋势的更大部分 (VR/AR The Bigger Part of Ecommerce Tech Trends 2020)

In 2020, leveraging AR technology, consumers can use their smartphone cameras as a medium to see interactive digital scenes. Through VR and AR ecommerce stores can create 3D scenes that will bring products to life.

到2020年,消费者可以利用AR技术将智能手机相机用作观看互动数字场景的媒介。 通过VR和AR,电子商务商店可以创建3D场景,使产品栩栩如生。

让我们来探索... (Let’s explore...)

投影AR系统 (Projected AR Systems)

Projected AR systems in 2020 tech trends will make use of machine vision technology, often combining the features of light cameras with 3D sensing systems and depth cameras. This will help in creating the form of AR with technology called projection mapping, where the projected image of a product is mapped onto the physical objects creating direct digital overlays. This way ecommerce businesses can create digital displays of their products to appear on any surface or object.

预计到2020年的AR系统技术趋势将利用机器视觉技术,通常将光学相机与3D传感系统和深度相机的功能结合在一起。 这将有助于使用称为投影映射的技术创建AR的形式,其中将产品的投影图像映射到物理对象上,从而创建直接的数字叠加图。 这样,电子商务企业可以创建其产品的数字显示,以显示在任何表面或物体上。

Projected AR has been made available on depth cameras such as Microsoft’s Kinect that is introduced as a game controller for the Xbox game system. Many more dedicated AR technologies such as Lightform, are beginning to appear.

投影机的增强现实技术已经在深度相机(例如Microsoft的Kinect)中提供,该相机作为Xbox游戏系统的游戏控制器而推出。 越来越多的专用AR技术(例如Lightform)开始出现。

The main advantages of projected AR are:


  • Shared experiences

  • Projection mapping onto real objects and surfaces

  • Ability to integrate and adapt non-AR hardware


However, the projected AR technology requires emplacement in a specific location, and the environmental conditions on those locations needs to be carefully considered. Having said that, Projected AR technology has the potential in creating immersive AR experiences with a more real feel than smartphone or wearable AR devices.

但是,预计的增强现实技术需要放置在特定位置,并且需要仔细考虑这些位置的环境条件。 话虽这么说,但与智能手机或可穿戴式AR设备相比,投影AR技术具有创造沉浸式AR体验的潜能。

虚拟试穿和移动协同工作流程 (Virtual Try-Ons and Mobile Collaborative Workflow)

Online virtual try-on solutions are really needed in the fastest emerging world of ecommerce. In 2020, you can use revolutionary AR solutions such as facial recognition software, 2D to 3D imagery conversion, and Pupillary Distance (PD) measurement.

在新兴的电子商务世界中,确实需要在线虚拟试穿解决方案。 在2020年,您可以使用革命性的AR解决方案,例如面部识别软件,2D到3D图像转换以及瞳距(PD)测量。

The best example of leveraging AR/VR try-on solutions is Nike’s shoe app that allows online shoppers to find the right shoe size without even visiting the physical store. Similarly, the famous shoe brand Gucci brand also release its virtual try-on solution to try their Ace Sneakers in real time.

利用AR / VR试穿解决方案的最佳示例是Nike的鞋类应用程序,该应用程序使在线购物者甚至无需访问实体店就可以找到合适的鞋号。 同样,著名的鞋类品牌Gucci品牌也发布了其虚拟试穿解决方案,以实时试用他们的Ace运动鞋。

Similar to virtual try-ons, mobile collaborative workflow solutions allow flexibility and engage users. They take you and your team beyond the four walls of the office.

与虚拟试用一样,移动协作工作流程解决方案可提供灵活性并吸引用户。 他们将您和您的团队带到办公室的四面墙之外。

一些好处: (Some benefits:)

  • When you have mobile collaboration apps in your ecommerce store, there's no restriction to location; you could be able to work from a remote location. Also, these apps keep your staff engaged with notifications and monitoring of sales graph.

    当您在电子商务商店中拥有移动协作应用程序时,位置不受限制; 您可以从远程位置进行工作。 此外,这些应用程序还可以让您的员工参与通知和监视销售图。
  • These collaboration apps also provide you with excellent instant messaging, group chats, emails, video calls, voice calls, screen sharing, and so on.

  • You don't have to spend extra money on renting an office space. The collaborative software solutions drastically reduces the costs of the overall project.

    您不必在租用办公空间上花费额外的钱。 协作软件解决方案极大地降低了整个项目的成本。
  • So, with all these benefits in mind, I am giving here the option of one of the best mobile collaboration tools to help your ecommerce business productivity, usability, and data management.


AppSheet (AppSheet)

With a platform like AppSheet, you can create an app for your business and easily input data into your phone. The options are many for ecommerce businesses and you can easily create an app to capture data and share it with your team.

借助AppSheet这样的平台,您可以为自己的业务创建应用程序,并轻松将数据输入手机。 电子商务企业有很多选择,您可以轻松创建一个应用程序来捕获数据并与您的团队共享。

Instead of knowing how to code, for AppSheet you only need to connect to your data in the cloud stored in Dropbox, Google Drive, Office365, Box, Salesforce, or other databases. The platform helps you create an initial version of your app based on the data that you can customize based on a variety of features, view types,and the other UI/UX options. Depending on your developers coding skill level, you should have an app ready in a day or less.
无需知道如何编码,对于AppSheet,您只需要连接到存储在Dropbox,Google Drive,Office365,Box,Salesforce或其他数据库中的云中的数据即可。 该平台可帮助您根据可基于各种功能,视图类型和其他UI / UX选项自定义的数据创建应用程序的初始版本。 根据开发人员的编码技能水平,您应该在一天或更短的时间内准备好一个应用程序。

There are two other ways to make productivity apps on AppSheet with no-code app platforms AppSheet Spec and AppSheet sample apps. You can also copy another app data, replace the data with yours, and customize it to your needs.

使用无代码应用程序平台AppSheet Spec和AppSheet示例应用程序,可以在AppSheet上制作生产力应用程序的其他两种方法。 您还可以复制其他应用程序数据,将数据替换为您的数据,然后根据需要进行自定义。

加密货币在2020年仍然很重要 (Cryptocurrency Still Important in 2020)

Blockchain and cryptocurrency are the most common technologies right now, but in the future tech trends ecommerce industry going to be familiar with them. Eventually, the technology could have a huge impact on the way retailers conduct businesses and this impact is going to be so huge that ecommerce businesses have serious consideration for the cryptocurrency in 2020.

区块链和加密货币是目前最常用的技术,但在未来的技术趋势中,电子商务行业将对其更加熟悉。 最终,该技术可能会对零售商开展业务的方式产生巨大影响,并且这种影响将是如此之大,以至于电子商务企业会在2020年认真考虑使用加密货币。

Bitcoin works as both currency and payment network, that help facilitate cross-border trade in the ecommerce industry. Adding Bitcoin to your ecommerce store also helps in payment localization that work as a payment option for retailers without adding any national entity to which you must remit a currency. From the buyers viewpoint, it always helps to offer multiple payment options in your ecommerce store.

比特币既是货币网络又是支付网络,有助于促进电子商务行业的跨境贸易。 将比特币添加到您的电子商务商店还有助于实现付款本地化,这可以作为零售商的付款选项,而无需添加任何您必须向其汇兑货币的国家实体。 从买家的角度来看,在您的电子商务商店中提供多种付款方式总是有帮助的。

As such, thousands currencies have been built on Bitcoin’s model, and these currencies creating a myriad of use cases for the eCommerce businesses.


Ripple, for example, is for cross-border remittance. It has a centralized platform rather than a blockchain-based system that means more than 100 ecommerce stores around the world can use the technology to confirm real-time transactions across borders.
例如,纹波是用于跨境汇款。 它具有集中式平台,而不是基于区块链的系统,这意味着全球有100多家电子商务商店可以使用该技术来确认跨境的实时交易。

No doubt, E-commerce is a billion dollar industry with numerous businesses pouring in every passing day. With the increasing need of virtual currency across the globe, the possibility of using cryptocurrency for ecommerce business will earn a lot in the coming year. With cryptocurrency the industry has every chance to set new paradigms in the global marketplace.

毫无疑问,电子商务是一个价值十亿美元的行业,每天都有大量业务涌入。 随着全球对虚拟货币的需求日益增长,来年将加密货币用于电子商务业务的可能性将大有可为。 有了加密货币,该行业就有机会在全球市场上树立新的典范。

物联网电子商务的应用 (Application of IoT Ecommerce)

The Internet of Things will be more prominent in 2020 as 5G, IoT and AI theser all will re-create the ecommerce world. Developers will also get to work on different IoT platforms. The new IoT innovations will include business-critical systems that are also called Network Function Virtualization (NFV) that will speed up how services are developed.

物联网将在2020年更加突出,因为5G,物联网和AI主题都将重新打造电子商务世界。 开发人员还将在不同的物联网平台上工作。 新的物联网创新将包括关键业务系统,也称为网络功能虚拟化(NFV),它将加快服务开发的速度。

With a higher number of IoT devices out in the world, ecommerce industry will be enabled by quality networks that allow enabling remote transactions using drones and sensors that also securely transmit data.


And, 2020 ecommerce tech trends will be the beginning of this innovation journey. The IoT technology is here, and ecommerce companies looking to make it real.

而且,2020年电子商务技术趋势将是这一创新旅程的开始。 物联网技术就在这里,电子商务公司希望将其变为现实。

最后的话 (Final Words)

This list shows why people have lots of reasons to anticipate what 2020 will bring, especially concerning ecommerce tech trends 2020. And, the ideas shared here are only the start. As technology improves, so will the output that depend on it.

此列表显示了为什么人们有很多理由可以预见2020年将带来什么,尤其是关于2020年电子商务技术趋势。而且,此处分享的想法只是一个开始。 随着技术的进步,依赖它的输出也会随之提高。




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